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MIDI + MIDI individual tracks
Isabel Pantoja
capote de grana y oro
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cárcel de oro
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como dos barquitos
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cuna cañí
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dame amor
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de nadie
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dejame verte a los ojos
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desde que vivo con otro
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desde que vivo con otro
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donde el corazon me lleve
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echa a andar
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el moreno
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el moreno
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el señorito
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embruja por tu querer
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emperaora midi
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PDF multitrack music score
Isabel Pantoja
capote de grana y oro
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cárcel de oro
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como dos barquitos
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cuna cañí
Your browser does not support the audio element.
dame amor
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de nadie
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dejame verte a los ojos
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desde que vivo con otro
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desde que vivo con otro
Your browser does not support the audio element.
donde el corazon me lleve
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echa a andar
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el moreno
Your browser does not support the audio element.
el moreno
Your browser does not support the audio element.
el señorito
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embruja por tu querer
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emperaora midi
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Isabel Pantoja
cárcel de oro
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como dos barquitos
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cuna cañí
Your browser does not support the audio element.
dame amor
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de nadie
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dejame verte a los ojos
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desde que vivo con otro
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donde el corazon me lleve
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echa a andar
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el moreno
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el señorito
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embruja por tu querer
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emperaora midi
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MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Isabel Pantoja
desde que vivo con otro
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el moreno
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MIDI Karaoke
Isabel Pantoja
desde que vivo con otro
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el moreno
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Karaoke Video
Isabel Pantoja
el moreno
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