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PDF multitrack music score
Juan Luis Guerra
amor de conuco
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Bachata en Fukuoka
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bachata rosa
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de tu boca
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el capitán
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ella dice
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Juan Luis Guerra
ay mujer
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Bachata en Fukuoka
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bachata rosa
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bonito y sabroso midi
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el capitán
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el costo de la vida
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MIDI + MIDI individual tracks
Juan Luis Guerra
ay mujer
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Bachata en Fukuoka
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bachata rosa
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bonito y sabroso midi
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burbujas de amor
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burbujas de amor
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carta de amor
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como abeja al panal
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coronita de flores
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de tu boca
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el capitán
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el costo de la vida
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ella dice
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en el cielo no hay hospital
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estrellitas y duendes
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MIDI + MP3 instrumental
Juan Luis Guerra
burbujas de amor
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como abeja al panal
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MIDI Karaoke
Juan Luis Guerra
burbujas de amor
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como abeja al panal
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